How to clean a hair straightener at home?

And one of the main indicators of the normal state for ironing is clean plates. For further info, click here: how to clean a hair styling tool


When working on these plates, a lot of things accumulate - the remnants of styling and thermal protection products, natural hair protection oil secreted by the sebaceous glands on your scalp and distributed through your hair. All this can over time turn into an unpleasant greasy layer that interferes with work. And with a long time this layer is sintered into a kind of "fossils", which are no longer easy to clean.


Today we will figure out how to clean the hair iron plates at home.

How to clean a hair curler - step by step instructions

1.      The curling iron plates should be cleaned when they are warm. Not hot - it will be inconvenient to clean, but not cold - so the dirt will be worse to clean off. Therefore, we turn on the curling iron, let it warm up, turn it off and let it cool to a comfortable temperature.

2.      Be sure to (!!!) turn off the curling iron from the network.

3.      We moisten a terry towel. For this, the water should also not be hot or cold, but warm.

4.      With this towel, gently, using one finger, wipe the dirt from the places on the plate where it has accumulated. Do not move the towel abruptly to avoid scratching the plates.

5.      For hard-to-reach areas at the corners of the plates, you can use a cotton swab instead of a towel.

6.      Then you can also clean the curling iron body. This is especially important if you not only straighten, but also curl your hair with this iron - because in this case the body gets dirty almost as actively as the plates.

7.      Be sure to completely dry your curling iron before using it again. Moisture on heated plates is a brutal killing of hair.

What if the dirt cannot be brushed off with water?

But what if the plaque cannot be removed with water? Well, in the future, we would recommend that you clean your iron more often so as not to bring the dirt to such a harsh consistency.


For example, if it is easy to wipe the iron according to the above scheme after each use, then every time it will be very simple. If you are too lazy to clean every time - well, you can do it at a given frequency.


Okay, but what to do now?


Well, there is a serious and official solution, which is often used by hairdressers in salons - to use a special tool for cleaning irons. But for a start, it makes sense to mix some alcohol with warm water - most likely, such a composition will be enough. Try it.


Just please - in no case use abrasive household detergents . All these powders and so on that easily scratch ceramics. Spoil the plates. Warm water, alcohol - these are our friends when cleaning the curling iron.

Nozzle cleaning: When should I do it?

The injection nozzles are part of the engine supply system. They are electric valves that spray fuel for combustion. Accurate, they define the ideal dosage for the engine needs, from idling to the moments of maximum power. To get additional details, view here: best fuel injector cleaner

The performance of a vehicle is due to the conditions of both the fuel used and the state of conservation of the components forming the engine.

Because of these factors, Oficina Impacto is willing to clean nozzles, granting the necessary quality so that your car can be used satisfactorily.

Cleaning the nozzles provides better mechanical functioning. It is recommended, above all, if the vehicle has been filled with adulterated or poor quality fuel.

The electrically operated injection valves have the function of guaranteeing the correct amount of fuel that the engine needs. Although its operation is fundamental for the car, drivers still have many doubts about the cleaning of injection nozzles. With that in mind, we have prepared some tips to help you know the right time to clean these parts.

Nozzle operation

To function properly, the engine needs to receive the correct amount of fuel to promote combustion. To ensure this, the nozzle orifices are extremely small, allowing the injection of tiny drops.

In this process, the fuel must be injected in a sprayed manner, allowing the mixture with air to be as homogeneous as possible and the smallest possible amount of fuel to be lost.

However, because they are very small, tiny dirt can clog the injector nozzles, impairing the fuel flow to the engine. This situation can lead to increased consumption, acceleration failures and loss of power.

How is the nozzle cleaning done?

Nozzle cleaning can be done in two ways by your trusted mechanic, using the nozzle cleaning machine by ultrasound or by applying a specific product. Understand each of the processes:

Cleaning machine:

The mechanic first takes out the air filter housing, the hose and the harnesses. After that, the injector valves are removed from the flute of the car and installed in the flute of the nozzle cleaning machine.

After that, the mechanic places the flute in a vat with the cleaning solution and then activates the cleaning - ultrasound function, which makes the particles contained in the valves come loose due to the high frequency of ultrasound vibrations, unclogging the nozzles. After completing the process, the valves are replaced in the car's flute.

Specific product application:

In this method, the mechanic places the product on the car's flute and then starts the engine. The action of the product causes the gum embedded in the injection valve to be diluted. This way, when the valve opens, it is able to expel the gum, which is burned in the combustion chamber.

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